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Chemistry Department Seminar Schedule

Past Seminars

DateSpeaker Presentation Title
Nov 22nd, 2024Olatayo Olahanmi, MS thesis defense seminar (Advisor: Dr. Wang)
““Determine the orientation of  β-sheet conformation  for specific residue in N-terminus of α-synuclein(61-95) in monolayer by pMAIRS” at SCI 1191
Nov 21st, 2024Hannah Butler, MS thesis defense seminar (Advisor: Dr. Ooi)
“Degradation of Environmental Pollutants and Biochemical Components via Chlorine Dioxide or Ozone Treatment” at SCI 3111
Nov 18th, 2024Dami Oyewole, MS thesis defense seminar (Advisor: Dr. Ding)
“Ester Synthesis through Cobalt-Catalyzed Dehydrogenative Coupling of Primary Alcohols” at SCI3111
Nov 8th, 2024Dr. Seth Childers, Professor of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh (Host: Dr. Wang)         “Membraneless organelles in bacteria: regulation of essential RNA decayand signaling biochemistry by phase separation” By Zoom
Oct 25th, 2024Harini Radhakrishnan,University of Tennesee, Knoxville (Host: Dr. Kong)
“Quantum computing” at SCI 1191
Oct 4th, 2024William A. Alexander, Associate Professor of Chemistry, The University of Memphis (Host: Dr. Wang)“Developing “Science First Response” for Chemical Spill Incidents, and the Curious case of MCHM re-emergence in West Virginia water supplies” at SCI 1191
Sept 27th, 2024Damilola Ogunmola, MS thesis defense seminar (Advisor: Dr. Wang) “Detection of conformation change in specific residue for synuclein(61-95) in monolayer” at SCI 1191
Sept13th, 2024Dr. Jing Kong, Professor of Chemistry, MTSU (Host: Dr. Wang) “All molecules are quantum-mechanically entangled.” at SCI 1191
Aug 30th, 2024Dr. Scott Handy, “Welcome returning MS Chemistry students!” at SCI 1191
July 12th, 2024Jacob Thomas, MS thesis defense (advisor: Dr. Handy)”Dipolar Cycloaddition of Aurones: Products and Photophysics” at SCI 1001
April 1st, 2024Dr. Freneka Minter,Sr. Community Research Program Manager, Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance (Host: Dr. Judith Iriarte-Gross) “Advocate for women in STEM” at SCI 1006
March 29th, 2024Dr. Jing Kong, Professor of Chemistry, MTSU (Host: Dr. Wang)  “Quantum entanglement and what it means to chemistry: Einstein was wrong, atoms are huge; But there is no spooky action, and tiny atoms are ok” at SCI 1191
March 22nd, 2024S-STEM group meeting for some domiestic MS students presided by Dr. Friedli
March 1st, 2024Dr. Flora Meilleur, Associate Professor of BioChemistry, North Carolina State University (Host: Dr. Friedli)“Activation of molecular dioxygen by lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases: insights from neutron crystallography”  at SCI 1191 
Feb 16th, 2024Dr. Tiffany Seagroves, Professor and Associate Vice Chancellor of Research (Host: Dr. Banerjee)Title “argeting Metastasis in Triple Negative Breast Cancer” at SCI 1191 
Feb 9th, 2024Dr. Hao Hu, Assistant Professor, Dept of Biochem. & Biophys,  University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Host: Dr. Kong) “Application of Quantum Computing and Machine Learning in Molecular Systems” at SCI 1191
Feb 2nd, 2024Dr. Fred A. Heberle, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Host: Dr. Wang)             “Using Physical Chemistry to Unlock the Mysteries of Cell Membranes” at SCI 1191
Jan 26th, 2024Dr. Scott Handy, “Welcome returning MS Chemistry students!” at SCI 1191
Dec 5th, 2023Joshua Blessing Animasaun, MS thesis defense (advisor: Dr. Chong)”Optimization of Cannabinoid Extraction Conditions Including Solvent Choices Using Microwave and Ultrasonication Methods” at SCI 3107
Nov 17th, 2023Peter Ogunsanya, MS thesis defense (advisor: Dr. Chusuei)”Assaying dopamine with saccharide carbon dots” at SCI 1191
Nov 10th, 2023Dr. Michael Best, Professor of Chemistry, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Host: Dr. Wang)         ” Lipid Switches and Probes for Liposomal Cell Delivery and Related Biomedical Applications ” at SCI 1191
Oct 6th, 2023Dr. Subhabrata Sen, Professor of Chemistry, Shiv Nadar University“Sustainable organic reactions using photo, electrochemical and mechanochemical energy: Generating intelligent heterocycles for useful applications”  at SCI 1191 (Host: Dr. Banerjee)
Sep 29th, 2023Dr. Ramesh Narayanan, Professor of Medicine and Interim Assistant Dean of Research at University of Tennessee HSC (Host: Dr. Banerjee)  “Discovery and Development of Next-Generation Therapeutic for Advanced Prostate and Breast Cancers” at SCI 1191
Sep 8th, 2023Dr. Amir Sheikhi, Professor of Chemical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University (Host: Dr. Chusuei)             “From hairy nanocelluloses to granular hydrogels: Colloidizing bio-based materials for environmental and healthcare applications” at SCI 1191
Sept 1st, 2023Dr. Charles Chusuei, “Welcome returning MS Chemistry students!” at SCI 1191
Jul 27, 2023Nirvana Almada (MS Thesis defense)”Development of a PNN Pincer Ligand and Its Iron and Cobalt Complexes for Selective Catalytic Amide Synthesis” by Zoom
April 21, 2023Dr. Qun Huo, Professor of Chemistry, University of Central Florida  “A Nanoparticle-Enabled Immunity Test to Detect and Monitor the Immune Status in Humans and Animals” by Zoom
April 14, 2023Dr. Jack Barbera, Professor of Chemistry Education, Portland State University                     “From items to inferences: The development and evaluation of education research assessment instruments” at SCI 1191
Mar 24, 2023Toyin Akinleye (MS Thesis defense)
“Comparison of Raman and surface FT-IR to determine the orientation of α-synuclein(61-95) in monolayer” at SCI 1191
Mar 14, 2023 Dr. Natalie LaFranzo, Board Member of Directors of ACS
“Allyship, Advocacy, and the Future of STEM: Where do I fit in? ” at SCI 1003 at 6:00 pm
Mar 13, 2023Dr. Natalie LaFranzo, Board Member of Directors of ACS“Beyond the Bench – Bringing Together Business, Chemistry, and Creativity”at SCI 1006 at 6:00 pm
Feb 24, 2023Dr. Judith Iriarte-Gross, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, MTSU
“Mentors Matter.  What we have learned from ACS, OXIDE, TGIS, NGCP and MWM” at SCI 1191
Feb 17, 2023Dr. Wei Li, Distinguished Professor at University of Tennessee HSC       “The discovery of a new generation of tubulin inhibitors that overcome taxane resistance” at SCI 1191
Feb. 10, 2023Dr. Katy Hosbein, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, MTSU
“Science identity development as an avenue for belonging in STEM” at SCI 1191
Feb. 3, 2023Dr. Souvik Banerjee, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, MTSU
“Design and Development of Small Molecule Colchicine Binding Site Inhibitors for the treatment of Resistant Metastatic Cancers” at SCI 1191
Nov. 28,
Biliquis Yetunde Bintinlaiye (MS thesis defense)
“Forensic Identification of Red Dyes on Fabric Fibers Using Raman Microscopy and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Coupled with Microwave Assisted Micro-Extraction” in SCI 3107 at 10:00AM
Nov. 11,
Dr. Rebecca Pinals, Massachussetts Institute of Technology
“Engineering at the Nano-Bio Interface: Protein Corona Formation on Carbon Nanotube-Based Sensors” by Zoom
(Host: Dr. Charles Chusuei)
Nov 4,
Dr. Thanh Do, Assistant Professor of Chemistry
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
“Investigate Biomolecular Structures with Mass Spectrometry & Crystallography” 2.”Cyclosporines: New Stories From an Old Molecule”
Oct 28,
Christopher Ewuola (MS thesis defense)
“The Surface Behavior of Segmental Peptides of α-Synuclein in the Presence and Absence of Phospholipids by Langmuir Monolayer and Surface FT-IR Techniques” 
Oct 21,
Dr. Yujun Zheng, Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
University of Georgia, Athens
“Two Tales of Sulfur-Activated Chemistry in Biological System” at SCI 1191 (Host: Chengshan Wang)
Oct 14,
Dr. Weiwei Zheng, Syracuse University“From Impurities to Functionality: Doping in Nanocrystals” By Zoom (Host: Dr. Keying Ding)
Sept 16,
Dr. Keying Ding , MTSU Chemistry Department
“Switching Synthesis Between Borrowing Hydrogen and Acceptorless Dehydrogenative Coupling by a Molecular Cobalt Catalyst”
Sept 9,
Dr. Kevin Bicker, MTSU Chemistry Department
“High-throughput discovery and development of antifungal peptoids”
Sept 2,
Dr. Mengliang Zhang, MTSU Chemistry Department
“Tenure Tour: New Insights into the Forensic Chemistry and Nano Materials with DART-MS”
Aug 26, 2022 Dr. Charles Chusuei, “Welcome returning MS Chemistry students!”
Jul 27,
Katelynn Farmer (MS thesis defense)
“Cobalt-Catalyzed Beta-Methylation of Alcohols by
Apr 15,

Dr. Emmanuel Rowe, Engineering Technol. Dept, MTSU
“Vertical Bridgman Growth of Halides and Li Containing
Chalcogenides for Nuclear Spectroscopy”
Apr 8,
Beth Anderson (MS thesis defense)
“Fluorescent Characterization of the Vanillin Aurone”
(Thesis advisor: Dr. Justin Miller
Mar 4, 2022Dr. Lei Yang, U. of Central Arkansas
“Bioinspired Mixed-valence Copper Complexes”
(Host: Dr. Keying Ding) on Zoom 3:15 PM
Mar 3, 2022Dr. Kelly Elkins, Towson University
“Next Generation Sequencing DNA Analysis of Historic
Period Human Remains”
Mar 2, 2022Dr. Kelly Elkins, Towson University
“The ACS DEIR Statement and Strategies for Creating an
Inclusive Classroom”

Feb 25, 2022
Dr. Yan Yu, Indiana University
Does Surface Anisotropy of Nanoparticles Matter in
Nano-Bio Interactions?

Feb 18, 2022
Dr. Lu Liu, University of Tennessee-Space Institute
“Iron Nanoparticle Synthesis and Surface Modifications
for Biomedical Applications”
Dec 1,
O. Theresa Ayangbola (MS thesis defense)
“A Comparative Study of an Expository Laboratory Using Two Different Instructional Approach: Explain before Experiment or Explain after Experiment” 
Nov 19,
Dr. Marvin J. Meyers, Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, St. Louis University “Progress Towards a Novel Drug to Treat Cryptosporidiosis”
Nov 12,
Mr. Ifeanyi Nwobodo (MS thesis defense)
“Evaluation of Shell-Derived CaO Catalyst for Ultrasonication-Assisted Synthesis of Biodiesel”
Nov 5,
Ms. Erin Yeatts (MS thesis defense)
“Structure-Activity Relationship Study of Antimicrobial Peptoids Against Cryptococcus neoformans
Oct 29,
Dr. Wasim Mondal, MTSU Physics and Astronomy Department
“Revisiting the VO2 Puzzle”
(Host: Prof. Jing Kong)
Oct 22,
Ms. Virginia Benefield (MS thesis defense)
“Characterization of Polycylic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Wildfire Smoke”
Oct 15, 2021Dr. Evan Joslin, Department of Chemistry, Sewanee-University of the South
“Ru(II) Complexes for Transfer Hydrogenation and Amine Dehydrogenation”
Oct 8, 
Ms. Marriah Gonzalez (MS thesis defense)
“Evaluation of the Impact of Salt Concentration on Poly(aspartic acid) Hydrolase-2 Structure
and Function”
Sept 17,
Dr. Justin Miller (tenure talk)
MTSU Department of Chemistry
“From Large- to Small-Scale: Understanding the Role of Conformational Motions in Protease Function”
Sept 10,
Dr. Yolanda Vasquez, Department of Chemistry, Oklahoma State University
“A Soft Lithography Method to Generate Arrays of Microstructures on Hydrogel Surfaces “
Sept 3, 
Dr. Paul S. Cremer, Department of Chemistry, Penn State University
“Metallomembranes: Exploring the Interactions of Transition Metal Ions with Lipid Bilayers”
July 19,
Mr. Ricardo Castillo (MS thesis defense)
“Parkinson’s Disease: Surface Spectroscopy Analyzation of Various Alpha-Synuclein Segments and Isotopes”
July 7,
Ms. Ashton Stowe (MS thesis defense)
“Solubility Study of Various α-Synuclein Peptide Segments Using Raman Spectroscopy” 
June 28,
Mr. Olatunji Adeyeye (MS thesis defense)
“A Prussian Blue Cobalt Oxide Carbon Nanotube Composite for Homovanillic Acid Detection”
Apr 29,
Ms. Kami Dyer (MS thesis defense)
“Extraction Characterization and Monosaccharide Composition Comparison of Polysaccharides Extracted from Cannabis sativa Cherry Hemp Root and Fedora 17 Hemp Leaves”
Apr 23, 2021Dr. Frank D. Blum, Oklahoma State University
“Room Temperature Polymerization in Concentrated Emulsion Gels”
Apr 20, 2021Ms. Robbie Humphries (MS thesis defense)
“Microwave Synthesis of Phosphorus Based Flame Retardants”
Apr 9,
Dr. D. Howard Fairbrother, Johns Hopkins University
“Environmental Technology: A Chemistry Perspective”
Apr 7,
Ms. Mary Tran (MS thesis defense)
“Conversion of a Short Lipopeptoid into Longer Non-lipidated Repeat Peptoids with Improved Activity”
Apr 7,
Mr. Nosakhare Igie (MS thesis defense)
“Development of Phytochemical Extraction Methods Using Microwave and Ultrasonication Techniques”
Apr 2,
Dr. Roger M. Leblanc, University of Miami
“Versatile Carbon Dots: Syntheses, Characterizations and Applications”
Mar 26, 2021Mr. Avraz Anwar (MS thesis defense)
“Novel Synthesis of Cyclopropyl Peptiodomimetics as 20S Proteasome Inhibitors”
Mar 19, 2021Dr. Guoqi Zhang, Department of Sciences
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
City University of New York (CUNY)
“Base Metal Complexes of Pincer-Type Ligands for Reduction Catalysis” 
(Host: Prof. Keying Ding)
Feb 26, 2021Dr. Michelle Personick, Wesleyan University
“Growing Model Catalysts Through the Tailored Design of Shaped Bimetallic Nanoparticles”
Feb 12, 2021Dr. Eric Mazur, Harvard University
“Subcellular Surgery and Nanosurgery”
Nov 23, 2020Ms. Daniela Taylor (MS thesis defense)
“Development of a Multi-Spectral Scheme for Identifying Color Dyes and Their Toxicity Properties”
Nov 20, 2020Mr. Nawaraj Karki (MS thesis defense)
“Electrochemical Detection of Dopamine with p-Doped Silicon Nanowires”
Nov 13, 2020Dr. Amitava Choudhury, Missouri University of Science & Technology
In search for Cost-Effective High Energy Density Rechargeable Batteries: From Lithium Ion to Sodium Ion and Cation Redox to Anion Redox
Nov 6, 2020Dr. Daniel L. Baker, University of Memphis
“Toward Orphan G Protein-Coupled Receptor Ligand Discovery: Collaborative Computational Benchmarking Efforts”
Oct 16, 2020Dr. Carson Prevatte, MTSU Chem Dept
“The Discovery, Synthesis, and Characterization of Biological Signaling Molecules and Signaling Disruptors”
Oct 9,
Dr. Tianning Diao, New York University
“The Persistence of Nickel Radicals as Cross-Coupling Intermediates”
(Host: Dr. Keying Ding
Oct 2,
Dr. Michael Shatruk, Florida State University
Exploring Magnetic Bistability in Molecular Materials: Spin Crossover, Light-Induced Radical Trapping, and Plastic Phases
Sept 25, 2020Dr. Xuanzhi Zhan, Tennessee Tech University“Molecular Recognition in MAPK Cascades”
Sep 18, 2020Dr. Bill Wuest, Emory University
“Slaying Superbugs One Natural Product at a Time”
(Host: Dr. Kevin Bicker)
Aug 10, 2020Mr. Lucas Bryant (MS thesis defense)
“Cobalt-catalyzed Acceptorless Dehydrogenative Homocoupling of Secondary Alcohols to Ketones”
July 6,
Mr. Justin Marsee (MS thesis defense)
“Furthering the Understanding of MtbClpS Regulation of MtbClpC1 as it Relates to Structure and Function”
July 2,
Mr. Mustapha Abdulmojeed (MS thesis defense)
“Tuning Photophysical Properties in Closo-decaborane Derivatives”
Apr 10, 2020Ms. Angelica Aguila (MS thesis defense)
“Design and Identification of Antiomicrobial Peptoids Against the ESKAPE Pathogens”
Feb 28,
Dr. Ken Shimizu, Department of Chemistry, University of South Carolina
“Study of Weak Non-covalent Interactions Using Molecular Rotors and Molecular Balances” (Host: Dr. Greg Rushton)
Feb 7,
Dr. Suman Neupane, MTSU Physics Department
“Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Nanomaterials Including Carbon Nanotubes and Iron Oxide”
Dec 2, 2019Mr. Adekunle Akinmola (MS thesis defense)
“Kinetic Study of Ion Exchange Reactions with II-VI Quantum Dots”
Nov 20,
 Mr. Roderick Moore (MS thesis defense)
“Mechanism of Nucleoside Hydrolase Isolated from Alaska Pea Seeds”
Nov 8, 2019 Dr. Saeed Kamali, MTSU Physics Department
“Applying Mössbauer Spectroscopy as an Assay to Assist Hyperthermia”
Nov  1, 2019Dr. Amanda Frossard, Department of Chemistry, University of Georgia
“Characterization of Surfactants in Aerosol Particles and Their Influence on Clouds”
Oct 25, 2019Dr. Hanna Terletska, MTSU Physics Department
“Understanding Quantum Material Challenges Using Computers”
Oct 22, 2019Dr. Charles Lake, Indiana University of Pennsyslvania”Investigating the Crystalline Structure of Na2(Zn,Co)SiO4 and Ag2CdGeS4, Using Synchrotrons, Neutrons and Anomalous Dispersion” (Host: Dr. Tibor Koritsanszky)
Sep 13,
Dr. Warren Beck, Department of Chemistry, Michigan State University
“Photochemistry of Carotenoids in Photosynthesis”
(Host: Dr. Greg Van Patten)
Aug 30, 2019Mr. Martin Cole (MSE PhD defense)
“The Effect of Adding Relevant and Irrelevant Visual Images to an Animation of an Oxidation-Reduction Reaction on Students’ Conceptual Understanding”
May 28, 2019Mr. Bedraj Pandey (MS thesis defense)
“Cobalt Catalyzed Acceptorless Dehydrogenative Homocoupling of Primary Alcohols into Esters”
Apr 19, 2019Dr. Hairon Guan, Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati 
“Designing Hydrogenation Catalysts with Earth-Abundant Metals”

Apr 11, 2019Mr. Conrad Lewis (MS thesis defense)
“Analyzing Static Correlation Using Atomic Populations of Effectively Localized Electrons (APELE)”
Apr 5,
Dr. Tamara Keller, Analytical Instrumentation Division, Waters Corporation (Milford, MA)
“Methods Optimization for Forensic Analysis” 
(Host: Dr. Sing Chong)
Mar 29, 2019Dr. Beth Guiton, Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky (Lexington, KY)
“Investigating Nanostructure Synthesis Using In Situ TEM”
Mar 15, 2019 Dr. Roberto Peverati, Chemistry Department, Floridia Institute of Technology
“An Optimized Collection of Chemistry Databases for Broad Computational Purposes, and Its Use to Optimize Exchange–Correlation Functionals in DFT” (Host: Dr. Jing Kong)
Mar 14, 2019Mr. Sunday Olaluwoye (MS thesis defense)
“Surface Chemistry and Spectroscopic Study of Non-Amyloid Beta Component Segment of α-Synuclein (61-95)”
Mar 1, 2019Mr. Daniel Nguyen, COMS PhD Candidate, MTSU Chemistry Department
“Fast analytical evaluation of intermolecular electrostatic interaction energies using the pseudoatom representation of the electron density: The Löwdin α-function and The Fourier Transform Method”
Feb 22, 2019Dr. Tao Xu, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Northern Illinois University (Dekalb, IL)
“Cold Thoughts on Perovskite Fever”  
(Host: Dr. Greg Van Patten)
Feb 1, 2019Dr. Mengliang Zhang, MTSU Chemistry Department
“DART-MS for Ignitable Liquid Residue Analysis: Quick but More Effective”
Nov 30,
Mr. D. Jamin Keith (PhD Candidate), Vanderbilt University
“Progress Towards the Total Synthesis of the Morganella morganii  Zwitterionic Polysaccharide Repeating Unit”
Nov 9,
Dr. David Yaron, Carnegie Mellon University
“Neural Nets that Do Chemistry” 
(Host: Dr. Jing Kong)
Oct 29,
Mr. Saidi Abdulramoni (MS thesis defense)
“Emission Profile of Biodiesel Blends with Various Oxygenated Additives”
Oct 19,
Dr. Takeshi Hasegawa, Kyoto University (JAPAN)
“Quantitative Molecular Orientation Analysis Using pMAIRS in an Ultrathin Film of an Organic Semiconductor”  (Host: Dr. Chengshan Wang)
Oct 5,
Dr. Saeed Kamali, Univ of Tennessee-Space Institute
& MTSU Physics Department
“2D or not 2D? Insights into Low-dimensional Magnetic and Nanoscale Structures with Mössbauer Spectroscopy”
Sept 8,
Dr. Dev P. Arya, Clemson University
“Novel Targets for Antimicrobial Drug Discovery: DNA and RNA Topoisomerase I”
Sept 1,
Dr. Keying Ding, MTSU Chemistry Department
“Towards Green Catalysis: Earth Abundant Metal Catalysts for Dehydrogenation and Dehydrogenative Couplings of Alcohol” (Tenure Talk)
Sept 4,
Dr. Kevin Bicker, MTSU Chemistry Department
“Developing Peptoids as Potentially Viable Therapeutic Compounds” (Tenure Talk)
Aug 1,
 Dr. Joe Ng, U. of Alabama-Huntsville“Blending Science and Business: From Structural Biology to I-Express”
Aug 28, 2018Ms. Shanika Walters (MS thesis defense)
“Why Do People Leave Science (Specifically Chemistry)?”
July 11, 2018Mr. Zachary Taylor (MS thesis defense)
“Isoniazid as an Aldehyde Scavenger: Analysis of Its Kinetics, Selectivity, and Practicality in Purifying Organic Reactions”
June 26,
Mr. Md Abdul Hoque (MS thesis defense)
“Comparison of Chlorine Dioxide and Ozone as Oxidants for the Degradation of Volatile Organic Compounds”
June 22,
Mr. Saad Alrashdi (MS thesis defense)
“Synthesis, Purification, and Surface Chemistry Study of α-Synuclein (61-95)”
June 12,
Mr. Mohammad Kader (MS thesis defense)
“A Cobalt Oxide Carbon Nanotube Composite for Dopamine Detection”
Apr 24,
Dr. Elfi Kraka, Southern Methodist U.
“Performing Chemical Experiments on the Computer”
Apr 20, 2018Dr. Piotr Kaszynski, MTSU Chem Dept
“Functional Materials Derived from π-delocalized Radicals for Photovoltaics and Spintronics”
Mar 30, 2018Ms. Joza Schmitt (MS thesis defense)
“Aurones: Dyeing for a New Yellow”
Mar 27, 2018Mr. Sashil Chapagain (MS thesis defense)
“Electrochemical Detection of Uric Acid Using a Hydrothermal Zinc Oxide Carbon Nanotube Composite”
Mar 27, 2018Mr. Mahesh Kumar Yadab (MS thesis defense)
“Proteasome Inhibition by Novel Hybrids of Belactosin A and Carfilzomib”
Mar 16, 2018Ms. Masoumeh Dalilian (MS thesis defense) 
“The Comparison of Sorbent Tubes and Canister Sampling Methods for Ambient Air Analysis”
Mar 2, 2018Dr.  Rigoberto Hernandez, Johns Hopkins U.
“Benign by Design from the Nanoscale to the Human Scale” (Host: Dr. Judith Iriarte-Gross)
Feb 23, 2018Dr. Nathan DeYonker, U. of Memphis
“Quantum Chemistry: From Human Saliva  to the Sagittarius B2 Cloud” (Host: Dr. Jing Kong)
Feb 22, 2018Dr. Narayan S. Hosmane, Northern Illinois U.
“Dendritic and Nanostructured Boron Compounds for Cancer Therapy”
Feb 2,
Dr. Malcolm D.E. Forbes, Bowling Green State U.
“Photodynamic Therapy, Toils and Troubles: Problems Solved With Tiny Bubbles”
Jan 26, 2018Dr. Li Li, Georgia Tech
“Advancing Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Proteins, Lipids, and Carbohydrates: CF-EDESI and Boronic Acid Shift Reagents”  (Host: Dr. Jing Kong)
Dec 1, 2017Dr. Justin Miller (MTSU Chemistry Dept)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis ClpC1 is Susceptible to Regulation by Adaptor Proteins”
Nov 3, 2017Dr. Eugene DePrince, Florida State University
“Quantum Chemistry without Wavefunctions”
Oct 27, 2017Dr. Andri Friedli and Dr. Anatoliy Volkov
(MTSU Chemistry Dept)
“How to XCEL-3D in Teaching and Research” 
Oct 20, 2017Dr. Adam Wanekaya, Missouri State University
“Novel applications of Carbon Dots and Carbon Nanoparticles”
Oct 19, 2017 Mr. Majed Aljohani (MS thesis defense)
“Electrochemical Sensing of Uric Acid using a Prussian Blue Refluxed Zinc Oxide Carbon Nanotube Composite”
Sept 29, 2017 Dr. Darrin Bellert,Baylor University
“The Ni+ Mediated Decomposition of Acetic Acid as Studied through the Single Photon Initiated Dissociative Rearrangement Reaction (SPIDRR) Technique”
Sept 22,
Dr. Jing Kong, MTSU Chemistry Dept
“Making Molecular Computation Stronger” 
(Tenure Tour)
Aug 8, 2017Mr. Kiin Keith (MS thesis defense)
“Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from Hydraulic Fracturing Facilities in Karnes County, Texas and Quantitative Determation of VOCs in Shelby County, Tennessee”
Jul 24, 2017Mr. Francis Okejiri (MS thesis defense)
“Utilization of Shell-based Calcium Oxide as Heterogeneous Catalysts for Biodiesel Synthesis”
Jul 17, 2017Ms. Lendsey Breanna Thicklin (MS thesis defense)
“Adenosine Deaminating/Hydrolyzing Enzyme from Alaska Pea Seeds (Pisum Sativum)
Jun 30, 2017Mr. Jeremy Turkett (MS thesis defense)
“Design and Screening of Antimicrobial Peptoid Libraries”
Apr 21, 2017Dr. Fu-Ming Tao, California State Univ-Fullerton  
“Applications of Quantum Chemistry to Environmental Chemistry: Critical Roles of Ammonia in Production of Atmospheric Smog and Aerosols” (host: Dr. Jing Kong)
Apr 12, 2017Ms. Awatif Alruwaili (MS thesis defense)
“Additional Characterization of Adenosine Nucleosidase from Alaska Pea Seeds”
Apr 7,
Dr. David B. Friedman, MTSU Chemistry Dept
“Assessing Signal vs. Noise in Quantitative Proteomics”
Mar 24, 2017Dr. Aaron Muth, St. John’s University 
“From Drug Design to Discovery: A Journey in Medicinal Chemistry” (Host: Dr. Scott Handy)
Mar 20, 2017Mr. Alex Morris (MS thesis defense)
“Incorporation of Ag+ into PbS Quantum Dots via Cation Exchange”
Mar 17, 2017Ms. Chelsea Harmon (MS thesis defense)
“Synthesis of Beta-Lactam Belactosin A Analogs as Potential 20S Proteasome Inhibitors”
Feb 24, 2017Dr. Jing KongMTSU Chemistry Dept
“How Diradicals and Transition Metal Materials Break Molecular Orbital Theory, and How It Can be Fixed”
Feb 23, 2017Dr. Saravana Jayaram, National Laboratory of Malaysia
“The Clandestine Synthesis of Methamphetamine and Profiling using Three Analytical Techniques”
Feb 14, 2017Dr. Mengliang Zhang, National Institutes of Health
“The Applications of Instrumental Analysis and Chemometrics to Environmental Forensics and Food Fraud”
Feb 3,
Dr. Theodore J. Burkey, University of Memphis
“The First 500 ps are Important: Optically Controlled Molecular Devices”
Jan 30, 2017Ms. Rehab Alanazi (MS thesis defense)
“Analytical Characterization of Dyes in Color Powders by Spectroscopic and Chromatographic Techniques”
Nov 11, 2016Ms. Latifah Althlol (MS thesis defense)
“Synthesis of a novel tripodal ligand with NH linker for ligand cooperative catalysis”
Nov 9, 2016Ms. Fiezah Alahmry (MS thesis defense)
“In-depth characterization of the purification of adenosine nucleosidase from Alaska pea seeds”
Nov 4, 2016Dr. Jie Zheng, University of Texas-Dallas
Molecular Nanoprobes for Biomedical Imaging
Oct 21, 2016Dr. David M. Hercules, Vanderbilt University
“Can Analytical Mass Spectrometry Revolutionize Polymer Chemistry?”
Sep 30, 2016Dr. Dana A. Baum, St. Louis University
“Developing Functional DNA Components for Sensors and Biofuel 
Sep 16, 2016Dr. Daniel Slade, Virginia Tech
“Characterizing the role of bacterial outer membrane and secreted proteins in cellular invasion, inflammation, and cancer”
Sep 9, 2016Dr. Chengshan Wang, MTSU Chemistry Dept
“Elucidation of Peptide Conformation via 13C Isotope-Edited FTIR Spectroscopy: Opportunities for Collaborative Faculty Research and Student Achievements” (Tenure Tour)
July 15, 2016Ms. Naeyma Islam (MS thesis defense)
“Structure of Boranes Based on the Topology over Molecular Electron Density”
July 14, 2016Ms. Shafiqa Alshaiban (MS thesis defense)
“Study of Nucleoside Degrading Enzyme Activities in Bean, Organic Bean, Okra, Organic Okra, Squash and Organic Squash”
July 13, 2016Mr. Brett Henry (MS thesis defense)
“Bovine Liver Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase: Characterization and Kinetic Mechanism”
Jun 28, 2016 Ms. Anita Saha (MS thesis defense)
“Degradation of Pentobarbital in Various Soil Types”
Jun 21, 2016Ms. Sushma Appala (MS thesis defense)
“Degradation of Environmental Contaminants in Gas and Liquid Phases by Chlorine Dioxide” 
Jun 14, 2016Mr. Matthew Wright (MOBI PhD defense)
“Isolation and Identification of Bioactive Compounds from Plant Based Traditional Chinese Medicine”
Jun 7,
Ms. Anuradha Liyana Pathiranage (MOBI PhD defense)
“Isolation and Analysis of Compounds with Anti-Trypanasomal and Anti-Cancer Activity”
May 25, 2016Mr. J. Dale Combs (MS thesis defense)
“Study of a Model α-Helix Peptide’s Surface Properties by Langmuir Monolayer and Surface FTIR Techniques”
Apr 14, 2016Dr. Thomas A. Zawodzinski (University of Tennessee – Knoxville)
“‘Greening’ Chemical Processes Using Renewable Electrons in Electrochemical Reactors Derived from Fuel Cells”
Apr 8,
Dr. Greg Van Patten (MTSU Chem Dept)
“Heterostructure Quantum Dots: Synthesis, Characterization and Wavefunction Engineering”
Apr 5,
 Ms. Nouf Ali Bedar (MS thesis defense)
“Base Catalyzed Hydrosilylation of Aldehydes with PMHS as a Reducing Agent”
Apr 4,
Dr. H. Graden Kirksey
Chemistry Department, Univ of Memphis
“An Incipient Periodic Table” (Host: Greg Van Patten)
Apr 4,
Ms. Sharifah Ibrahim Aleid (MS thesis defense)
“A Convenient Method for Converting Ketones into Alcohols through Hydroxilyation Catalyzed by KHBEt3
Mar 25, 2016Dr. Edwin Stevens,Western Kentucky University
“High resolution X-ray Diffraction Measurements: Can We Really See Electrons? 
(Host: Tibor Koritzsansky)
Mar 25, 2016Ms. Shruthi Perna (MS thesis defense)
“Comparison of Emissions of Various Biodiesel Formulations by GC-MS and FTIR”
Mar 18, 2016Dr. Jeremiah Woodcock
(National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD)
“Multifunctional Fluorescent Sensors for Imaging the Interface/Interphase in Polymer Composites”
Mar 4, 2016Dr. Jessica Morrison (Chemical and Engineering News, Washington, DC)
“Science In The News: Behind the Scenes at C&EN with Jessica Morrison”
(Host: Judith Iriarte-Gross)
Feb 19, 2016Dr. Feng Wang (University of Arkansas,
Fayetteville, AR)
“From Water to Salt Solutions, Electronic Structure Free Energies 
from Adaptive Force Matching”     
Feb 12, 2016Dr. Martin Stewart (MTSU Chem Dept)
“Archibald Belcher: First Chemistry/Physics Professor at MTSU. Part III. His Early Teaching Career”
Feb 5,
Mr. Raja Pandey (MS thesis defense)
“Electrochemical Detection of Acetominophen Using Tapered Silicon Nanowires”
Nov 19, 2015Ms. Lencie Plancher (MS thesis defense)
“Kinetic Mechanism Study of the Enzyme Nucleoside Hydrolase from E. Coli”
Nov 18, 2015Mr. Hussain Alshahrani (MS thesis defense)
“Detection of Dopamine and Hydrogen Peroxide using Silicon Nanowires”
Nov 13, 2015Dr. Ronald Rahaim (Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK)
“Development of Organometallic Methods for Applications in Drug Discovery”
Nov 9, 2015Mr. Rajeh Theeb Alotaibi (MS thesis defense)
“Ni-Catalyzed Decarbonylation of Aldehydes”
Nov 2, 2015Mr. R. Madison Green (MS thesis defense)
“Methods for Isolation of the Topo II Gene from Gossypium hirsutum
Oct 30, 2015Dr. Angela Wilson (University of North Texas in Denton, TX)
College of Basic and Applied Sciences Distinguished Lecture Series
“Action and Reaction: Pathways to Progress”
Oct 29, 2015Ms. Hanan Almuzaini (MS thesis defense)
“Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) as Catalyst and Solvent for Knoevenagel Condensation Reactions”
Oct 28, 2015Ms. Kavya Kazipeta (MS thesis defense)
“Comparative Studies of Electronic Cigarette Emissions”
Oct 26, 2015Mr. Sultan Almadhhi (MS thesis defense)
“Determining the Most Effective Peptoid Submonomer Mimic of Arginine”
Oct 23, 2015Dr. Richard Caprioli (Vanderbilt University)
“Imaging Mass Spectrometry: Molecular Microscopy for Biology and Medicine”
Oct 16, 2015Ms. Eman Sharba (MS thesis defense)
“Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering of Meta-substituted Anilines”
Oct 15, 2015Dr. Joseph J. Biernacki (Tennessee Tech University)
“Bio-mass Pyrolysis: A Cog in the Changing Energy and Chemical Company”  
Oct 14, 2015Mr. Kevin Fisher (MS thesis defense)
“Assay Development for the Screening of Antimicrobial Peptoids”
Oct 02, 2015Mr. Shawtik Das (MS thesis defense)
“Electrochemical Detection of Uric Acid Using a Refluxed Zinc Oxide Carbon Nanotube Composite”
Sep 18, 2015Dr. Mohammad Al-Masum 
Tennessee State University
“New developments in microwave irradiated organic transformations of aroylation, nitration, and C-H activation reactions
Aug 04, 2015Mr. Ameen Alsubhi (MS thesis defense)
“One-pot Multicomponent Coupling Synthesis of 2-Amino-3-Cyano-4H-Pyran Derivatives Using Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES)”
Jul 10, 2015Ms. Maryam Aldoghaim (MS thesis defense)
“The Effects of Substituent Groups on the Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Signals of Aniline Derivatives”
Jul 10, 2015Ms. Ebtsam Seteh (MS thesis defense)
“Air Quality Monitoring in Memphis and Surrounding Areas in 2014 Analyzed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)”
Jun 17, 2015Mr. Mulugeta B. Wayu (MOBI PhD defense)
“Developing an Amperometric Method for Selective Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide
May 28, 2015Mr. Badri Mainali (MS thesis defense)
“Cation Exchange in PbS Quantum Dots: Kinetics of Cd Exchange and Effects on Electronic Properties”
May 27, 2015Mr. Abdullah Shamsuddin (MS thesis defense)
“Characterization of Adenosine nucleosidase from Alaska Pea Seeds”
Apr 17, 2015Dr. Michelle Oakes, US Environmental Protection, Agency National Center for Environmental Assessment, Research Triangle, NC
“Air Quality and Human Exposure Near Sources”
Apr 16, 2015Ms. Tasha Frick (MS thesis defense)
“Chemistry Teachers’ Journey Through Modeling Instruction”
Apr 10, 2015Dr. Bob Read, Tennessee Department of Health
“Environmental Laboratory Challenges”
Apr 30, 2015Dr. Christopher Jones, Georgia Tech
“CO2 Capture with Supported Amine Materials: Materials 
and Process Chemistry Advances for Greenhouse Gas  Mitigation”
Feb 27, 2015Dr. Dennis Salahub, University of Calgary
Distinguished CBAS Lecture Series “Multiscale Modeling of in-situ Oil Sands Upgrading with Molybdenum Carbide Nanoparticles”
Feb 6,
Dr. Jesse D. Carrick, Tennessee Tech 
“Experiential Investigations in Organic Synthesis”
Nov 21, 2014Dr. Vlad Iluc, University of Notre Dame
“Secondary Metal-Ligand Interactions: C-H Activation and Metal-
Element Multiple Bonding”
Oct 30, 2014Ms. Elsbeth Griffiths (MS thesis defense)
 “Creation of an Energetic, Polymeric 1,2,3-Triazole from Aryl Azides” 
Oct 24, 2014Dr. William Tolman,University of Minnesota
“Plastic from Plants: The Chemistry of Sustainable Polymers”
Oct 20, 2014Dr. Harry KrotoFlorida State University  (Nobel Laureate)
“Carbon in Nano and Outer Space”
Oct 10, 2014Dr. De-en JiangUniversity of California at Riverside
“What Can Molecular Simulation Do for Global Warming?”
Oct 8,
Ms. Olaa Alharbi (MS thesis defense)
“Determination of the Relationship Between the Geometric Structure of a Model Peptide and its 13C Isotope-Edited Spectroscopy in H2O by ATR”
Oct 3,
Dr. Charles Chusuei, MTSU Chem Dept 
(Tenure Tour)
Part I: “Cytotoxicity in the Age of Nano: the Role of Fourth Period Transition Metal Oxide Physicochemical Properties”
Part II: “Designing Electrocatalyst Composites for Chemical Sensing”
Oct 1,
Dr. Donna Nelson, University of Oklahoma
“Improving Organic Chemistry Education by Comparing Textbooks”
Sep 26, 2014Dr. Peter Pulay, University of Arkansas
“The Calculation of Intermolecular Interaction Energies”
Aug 4, 2014Mr. Sergiy Ustynov (MS thesis defense)
“Survey of Nucleoside Degrading Enzyme Activities in Soybean Corn and Yellow Lupin”
Jun 19, 2014Ms. Jamie Avant (MS thesis defense)
“Purification and Characterization of Bovine Liver Uridine Phosphorylase”
Jun 18, 2014Ms. Kateryna Ogorodnik (MS thesis defense)
“Nucleoside Hydrolase Amino Acid Sequences from Plants”
Jun 17, 2014Ms. Kara Cole Dawson (MS thesis defense)
“Synthesis of Belactosin A Analogs”
Jun 16, 2014Ms. Ashley Lipscomb (MS thesis defense) 
“An Investigation into the Bioactive Components of Euphorbia hirta and Pandanus tectorius
Jun 11, 2014Ms. Rachael Hall (MS thesis defense)
“Group Dynamic and its Effect on Classroom Climate, Achievement, and Time in Lab in the Organic Chemistry Lab”
Apr 25, 2014Dr. Martin V. Stewart (MTSU Chem Dept)
“Archibald Belcher: First Chemistry/Physics Professor at MTSU”
(Co-sponsored by the MTSU Physics Dept)
Apr 7,
Mr. Peter Haddix (MS thesis defense)
“Toward Fluorescence Enhancement of Dyes in Mesoporous SiO2 and Organic Films”
Apr 4,
Dr. Hong Guo (Univ of Tennessee­–Knoxville)
“Simulations of Complex Biological Systems”
Apr 3,
Mr. Matthew Robinson (MS thesis defense)
“The Effect of Pyramidalization at Nitrogen in a Series of Donor-π-Acceptor Dyes”
Mar 28, 2014Dr. Andrew Burden (MTSU Chem Dept)
“FROM COTTON TO CANCER: Catalytic Inhibition of DNA Topoisomerase II by Gossypol”
Mar 24, 2014Mr. Ben King (MS Thesis defense)
“A Comparison Study between Coupled And Non-coupled Systems of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) and C60-fullerene for the Application of Organic Solar Cells”
Mar 7, 2014Dr. Julia Brumaghim (Clemson Univ)
“You Are What You Eat: Fruit Polyphenols Prevent Oxidative DNA Damage Through Metal Coordination”
Feb 21, 2014Dr. Nadja Cech, Univ of North Carolina – Greensboro
“Anti-Virulence Compounds from Nature: Outsmarting the 
Feb 7,
Dr. Jing Kong (MTSU Chem Dept)
“Challenges to Computation: From Breakup of a Hydrogen Molecule to Ligand-Protein Binding”
Nov 26, 2013Mr. Craig A. Lampert (MS thesis defense)
“Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds by Sorbent Tube and Infrared Spectroscopic Techniques”
Nov 22, 2013Dr. John DiVincenzo (MTSU Chem Dept)
“Paving the Way to Better Water Quality”
Nov 8, 2013Mr. Anup K. Deb (MS thesis defense)
“Amperometric Detection with a Dendrimer-Encapsulated Platinum Nanoparticle-Carbon Nanotube Composite”
Nov 8, 2013Ms. Lola S. JarAllah (MS thesis defense)
“Characterization of Adenosine Nucleosidase from Soybean Seeds (Glycine max L.)”
Nov 6, 2013Ms. Jabe Kiri (MS thesis defense)
“Dendronic Surfaces for Detection of Surface Vapors”
Nov 1,
Ms. Katrina Smith (MS thesis defense)
“Synthesis of Cyclopropyl Peptidomimetics as BACE1 Inhibitors”
Oct 25, 2013Dr. Keying Ding, MTSU Chem Dept
“Base Metal Catalysts for Sustainable Energy”
Oct 18, 2013Dr. Kevin Bicker, MTSU Chem Dept 
“Solid-phase Peptoid Libraries: A Tool for Drug Discovery”
Oct 11, 2013Dr. Gary Wulfsberg, MTSU Chem Dept
“More than Clicking with Students: General Chemistry Active Learning Technology-based Strategies Proven to Improve Long-term
Retention at MTSU”
Oct 4,
Ms. Sneha Potana (MS thesis defense)
“Determination of the Conformation of Specific Residues in a Model Peptide by C-13 Isotope Edited ATR-FTIR in Regular Water”
Sep 20, 2013Dr. Kelly Perry (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
“Electron Microscope Tools to Further Our Understanding for Fuel Cell Materials”
Sep 20, 2013Dr. Andrew V. Teplyakov (Univ of Delaware)
“Designing a Well-defined Interface between Biomolecules and Semiconductors for Biosensing Applications”
Jul 10, 2013Ms. Chasity Suttle Bagsby (MS thesis defense)
“Extraction and Detection of Pentobarbital in Soil by Solid Phase Extraction and Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry”
Jun 24, 2013Mr. Ram Chandra Dhakal (MS thesis defense)
“Synthesis of Various Iodyl Compounds of Iodoarenes and Tetrazoles Using OxoneTM as an Oxidant”
Jun 21, 2013Mr. Tuphan Devkota (MS thesis defense)
“Selective Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide, Uric Acid and Acetominophen Using Zinc Oxide-Carbon Nanotube Composites”
Jun 12, 2013Mr. Arjun Kafle (MS thesis defense)
“Cu(I)-catalyzed Single Step One-pot Synthesis of 1,4-disubstituted Triazoles using Deep Eutectic Solvent”
May 2, 2013Ms. Zharah Altawil (MS thesis defense)
“Isolating Nucleoside Metabolizing Enzymes from Alaska Pea Seeds”
Apr 26, 2013Dr. Jesse R. Sabatini (US Army’s Armament
Research, Development 
and Engineering
Center (ARDEC) at Picatiny Arsenal
“Technological Advances in ‘Green’ Pyrotechnics”
Apr 26, 2013Dr. Richard Lostritto (US Food and Drug Administration)
“Chemistry and the Drug Review Process at the Food and Drug Administration: Illustrative Case Studies”
Apr 25, 2013Ms. Samantha Keene (MS thesis defense) 
“The Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds during Various Stages of Decomposition”
Mar 1, 2013Dr. Chengshan Wang, MTSU Chem Dept
“Application of Langmuir Monolayer and C13 Isotope Edited FTIR in Neurodegenerative Disease”
Feb 8,
Dr. Jacqueline Johnson
University of Tennessee-Space Institute
“Nanoparticles in Medicine”
[co-sponsored by MTSU Pre-Scripts 
Dec 14, 2012Ms. Shabnam F. Arefin (MS thesis defense)
“Retention of Water Contaminants by Fly Ash Amended Pervious Concrete Blocks”
Dec 5, 2012Mr. James Ladd II (MS thesis defense)
“Synthesis of Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid Derivatives via Suzuki and Stille Cross-Coupling Reactions and Subsequent Nickel Desulfurization and Reduction”
Oct 3,
Dr. Gregory B. Dudley
Florida State University
“Recent Innovations in Alkyne Chemistry”
Jul 18, 2012Mr. Phillip Mnirajd (MS thesis defense)
“Synthesis of Non-Halogenated Phosphorus Flame Retardants for Engineering Resins”
Jun 7,
Ms. Archana Tirumala (MS thesis defense)
“Extraction of Fluoranthene and Pyrene from Acetone-Water Mixtures for Fly Ash Amended Pervious Concrete Studies”
Apr 20, 2012Dr. Anna Mapp (Univ of Michigan)
“Small Molecule Transcriptional Regulators”
Apr 12, 2012Mr. Peter Cothron (MS thesis defense)
“The Detection and Depletion of Chemical Weapons Models using Mesoporous TiO2 Thin Films”
Apr 6,
Mr. Kevin Lavender (MS thesis defense)
“Palladium Catalyzed Sonogashira and Suzuki Couplings using a One-Pot Approach”
Mar 2, 2012Mr. Kevin Lavender (MS thesis defense)
“Palladium Catalyzed Sonogashira and Suzuki Couplings Using a One-Pot Approach”
Feb 24, 2012Mr. Mulugeta Wayu (MS thesis defense)
“Modification of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Using Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles for Improved Electrocatalytic Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide”
Nov 18, 2011Ms. Farhana Akhter (MS thesis defense)
 “Toxicological Study of the Formation of Melamine-Cyanurate Complex in Aqueous and Physiological Matrices”
Nov 11, 2011Mr. Adedoyin “Tunde” Osinloye
(MS thesis defense)
“Regioselective Mixed Double Coupling of Dihaloheteroaromatics: Palladium Catalyzed Reaction using Suzuki and Sonogashira Cross-Coupling Approach”
Nov 4, 2011Dr. Earl F. Pearson, MTSU Chem Dept
 “Balancing Equations with Only Two Variables and Stoichiometry by Rebalancing the Equation”
Oct 7,
Dr. Kevin M. Bucholtz, Mercer University
“Research from the Laboratory and the Classroom: Design of Compounds for the Inhibition of 3µ-HSD1 and Indicator of Success in Organic Chemistry”
Sep 23,
Dr. Paul S. Simone, University of Memphis
“On-Line Monitoring of Drinking Water Disinfection By-products: Challenges and Solutions”
Apr 21, 2011Mr. Shravan Mallavarapu (MS thesis defense)
 “Correlation of Metal Oxide Nanoparticle Physicochemical Properties with Cytotoxicity”
Apr 14, 2011Ms. Vanessa E. Hobbs (MS thesis defense)
“Analysis of Synthetic Cannabinoids in Smoke Samples from Herbal Products”
Apr 7,
Mr. Brian A. Bachner (MS thesis defense)
“Nutrient Anion Sorption in Fly-Ash Mixed Pervious Concrete”
Mar 17, 2011Ms. Anuradha Liyana Pathiranage
(MS thesis defense)
“Synthesis of Cyclopropyl Peptidomimetics with Potential Anti HIV Activity”
Feb 24, 2011Dr. Marinda Li Wu
Board of Directors, American Chemical
“A Personal and Professional Journey into the 21st Century”
Feb 17, 2011Dr. Cianan B. Russel, Georgia Tech
“Laboratory Conundrum: A Qualitative Comparison of the Traditional Laboratory, Inquiry, and Classroom-Based Authentic Research Experiences in General Chemistry”
Jan 26, 2011Dr. James M. Tour, Smalley Institute for Science &
Technology, Rice University
“Nanomaterials, Nanoelectronics, Nanomedicine and Nanocars” 
Nov 22,
 Dr. Eva Zurek, University at Buffalo SUNY 
“Predicting the Structures of Solids Under Extreme Conditions using Evolutionary Algorithms”
Nov 19,
Dr. Ali Khademhosseini 
Harvard University & MIT
“Microengineered Hydrogels for Stem Cell Bioengineering and Tissue Regeneration”
Oct 28, 2010Dr. Martin V. Stewart and Strokes R. Swann (MTSU Chem Dept), and Dr. James X. Corgan (Geology Dept,
Austin Peay State University)
“History as Chemistry”
Oct 7, 2010Dr. Charles Chusuei, Missouri S&T
“Tethering Nanoparticles to Carbon Nanotubes for Improved Fuel Cell Performance”